Year 2 2024 - 2025

Welcome to the Year Two Class Page


Class Teacher: Miss Croft

Support staff: Mrs Braddock, Miss Ellison, Mrs Karikari and Mr Hodgkinson


I would like to welcome you all to Year Two. I am looking forward to teaching your child and will ensure that this year is full of opportunities for your child to develop. I will be teaching through an exciting topic-based curriculum, which should stimulate discussion and questioning at home and school.


Year Two marks the last year in Key Stage One and it is always one that children can't wait to experience. It is always a fun, busy, exciting year!


Your child will embark on an exciting learning experience this term where they will become History detectives to find out what really happened on that September evening in 1666; The Great Fire of London.

We will start the year with a special focus of Roald Dahl and his work as an author. We will explore The Enormous Crocodile and produce Wanted posters to catch the cunning, clever Enormous Croc! Our Author of the Term is Julia Donaldson. Children have access to Julia Donaldson books within our class library where they will come across Stick Man, The Snail and The Whale, The Gruffalo and The Smartest Giant in Town.


Maths starts with a focus on Place Value where we are introduced to a place value chart identifying tens and ones within a number. We will then use these skills within addition and subtraction. Children are taught through a Maths Mastery approach, will all children having daily experiences of fluency as well as problem solving.


Year Two is the time when your child has the opportunity to sparkle in the Christmas nativity at St Thomas's Church. There will be lots of lines to be learnt, songs to be rehearsed and costumes to be made. Further information will be communicated closer to the time in Autumn Two with arrangements so keep a look out.


Our Christian Value this half term is Service.


General Reminders

  • Our P.E days are on a Tuesday with Miss Croft and a Thursday with Mr Hodgkinson
  • Every Monday afternoon, Mrs Karikari will teach your child
  • For breaktime, one snack should be brought into school with a bottle filled with water, only.
  • Earrings may be worn but only studs and they must be removed on P.E days, we cannot take them out or put plasters over them.



  • Daily reading is expected at home. Please sign and date the reading record so an adult can pick it up in school. Your child will read in school with an adult a minimum of twice a week and have their book changed accordingly. If your child finishes their level book at home, please take the opportunity to re-read your child's book and ask questions to improve comprehension skills.
  • Spellings and homework are given out every Friday. Homework is due in for the following Wednesday and our spelling test takes place every Friday morning. Spellings are tailored to match the Phonics taught within school and also include a mixture of common exception words.
  • This year, your child will be introduced to TT Rockstars. This supports your child in learning their 2's, 5's and 10's timestables.


Ways to help your child

  • Please ensure your child is on time for school each day; the doors open at 8:25am and learning starts promptly after registration
  • Listen to your child read daily and write a comment in their reading record books
  • Talk to your child about their school day
  • Ensure that your child learns their spellings
  • Ensure all homework is carefully completed in pencil and handed in on time
  • Teach your child the time and the concept of money


Useful websites and games to support learning:

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TT Rockstars is excellent for learning timestables (focus especially on 2's, 5's and 10's) Numbots is fantastic for securing knowledge of numbers within addition and subtraction. It increases fluency and rapid recall. Hit the Button is an excellent game which increasses fluency and encourages rapid recall. It helps in learning number facts. 



Dates this term:

Parents Evening - TBC

Christmas Carol Service - TBC


Parents, I am delighted to be teaching your child this year and I hope it will be a very happy and successful year for all of us.
Thank you for your support. Please do not hesitate to come and see me or message me on Dojo if you wish to discuss your child's wellbeing.


Make sure you keep up to date by checking Class Dojo.

Thanks to Wigan Today for allowing us to use their photograph.



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St Thomas's C.E. Primary School
Hodnet Drive,
Ashton in Makerfield,
Wigan WN4 8PQ
Main Contact: Miss Suzanne Burgess
SEN Contact: Mrs Fairclough